Five tips to stay motivated to exercise during the winter months

Winter is a time when many of us find it hard to stay motivated to exercise... including the She Moves Trainers! The colder weather and shorter days can all make it difficult to stick to our fitness routine right?

Unfortunately, it's common for many people to focus solely on getting in shape for the summer months... But here at She Moves we are about making movement a priority 365 days of the year!

Why? Because staying active and exercising consistently throughout the year is key to feeling good, building long term habits, staying healthy and having strong physical and mental health! Here are a few of our fav tips to help you stay motivated to exercise during winter:

Set realistic goals

One of the best ways to stay motivated to exercise during winter is to set realistic goals. Be specific about what you want to achieve and set a timeline for yourself. Start with small, achievable goals that will help you build momentum and stay motivated. For example, you might aim to exercise 2-3 times per week every week for three weeks. We always say this but at times, less is more! Don't bite off more than you can chew throwing yourself into a vigorous timely routine you can't sustain. Consistency is the key!

Find an accountability wellness partner

Having someone to hold you accountable can be a great way to stay motivated to exercise. Find a friend or family member who shares your fitness goals and commit to working out together. We've got loads of ladies inside our She Moves community who are each others accountability buddies they tag each other in workouts and cheer each other on. It's incredible what a little social support can do to keep you going when you can't be bothered! So share your goals with someone and ask them to have your back!

Mix it up

Doing the same workout day after day can get boring and make it hard to stay motivated. Variety is the spice of life! Mix up your routine by trying new activities or workouts. At She Moves we've got 13 new classes each week + nine different workout styles available! There is no need to get bored - keep your body guessing and try different things! Try some free classes here.

Make it enjoyable

Exercise doesn't have to be a chore, it can be fun! Find ways to make it enjoyable by listening to your fav music, watching TV shows in the background, or listen to an audiobook or podcast. You could also try exercising with a friend or taking your workout outdoors if it's not too cold!

Workout online!

Stay home, stay warm and get it done in front of the fire without setting foot into the winter elements! Forget travelling to the gym in a freezing car. Why put yourself through it? Workout from the comfort of your living room with an online programme like She Moves! Not only will you stay out of the cold, you wont need to worry about finding babysitters, you’ll save a HUGE amount of money, no wasted time traveling and you can avoid the gym showers!

Stay tuned for a new challenge dropping soon… It’s perfect if you know you need to get started but aren’t sure how! We have you covered gal! Keep an eye out on our socials to be the first to know!

Helpful links:


Tips to start exercising and actually stick to it!


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