Trimester 3: Staying Active and Healthy During Pregnancy, tips from Ren at 39 weeks!

I’m writing this blog from my swiss ball at 39 weeks pregnant, I’m feeling a tone of emotions as my due date approaches! Mostly excited but a little nervous too! I just can’t wait to have this baby in my arms.

I’ve had so many people asking if I am still working out in these last few weeks - the answer is yes! I thought it might be a good idea to share some tips to help you keep moving too, these tips are more about mindset rather than what you should be doing… because it really is all about mindset!

Staying active as you grow at a rapid rate in Trimester 3 can be really tough! More often than not we face unexpected hurdles and feel absolutely exhausted! I hope these tips help to keep you motivated to move, I know they have helped me on days when I’ve lacked that enthusiasm and had feelings of “I can’t be bothered!

1. Focus on Your Unique Journey

Trimester three is a time of huge transformation, both physically, mentally and emotionally. Gosh, I’ve felt so emotional these last few weeks it’s ridiculous what sets me off! It's really easy to get caught up in the comparison game when it comes to exercise and pregnancy, especially with the world of social media at our fingertips.

As an exercise professional, I'm immersed in pregnancy exercise accounts/content… And I'll be the first to admit that, at times, I've fallen into the comparison trap, thinking “OMG how is she doing that” or “Far out there is no way I could do that right now”! It’s so easy to forget that every pregnancy journey is unique.

So a little reminder to you - comparison is the thief of joy! Your journey is unique, every pregnancy is so different, we all go through different challenges and changes and you shouldn’t compare to anyone! Do what feels right for YOU. Listen to your body and don’t worry about anyone else. Follow people/accounts who inspire and uplift you, and let go of anything that doesn't contribute positively to you.

2. Expect Obstacles, Embrace Adaptation

Trimester 3 isn't all smooth sailing! I think understanding this at the start of this trimester and expecting obstacles is one of the best things you can do. Fatigue, heartburn, lower back pain, pelvic pain, sleep struggles.. the list could go on!!

These discomforts might make exercise seem out of reach, it can be easy to let these things take over and exercise can be put into the too-hard basket. But it doesn’t need to be this way.

Personally, this time around running after my two other kids has been a real challenge in these last few weeks. School pick up and drop-offs, activities, the never-ending snack requests, washing and the constant mess that comes with kids is hard work at the best of times! The exhaustion has been real as well as the back pain!

As hard as it’s been to get on my mat and move my body the days I do I feel so much better than the days that I don’t. A little reminder that the right exercise at this time will GIVE you energy and will HELP with the pains and discomforts that can come with late pregnancy.

3. Embrace the Changes to your Movement

Your exercise routine at 28 weeks will naturally differ from what it looks like at 40 weeks. For me, pelvic pain has really kicked in as my baby started to engage in the pelvis over the past few weeks. This has meant I’ve had to change my exercise moves, adapt and modify. - No that there is always a way around these issues that can come up, there are always modifications that can be made and there is generally always a way you can keep moving.

Don't be disheartened if things feel harder, or slower, or if you need to modify your workouts more. A lot of my workouts at the moment are done sitting on a chair! I know it won’t be like this forever so i’m just going with it, it’s what feels right at the moment!

You 100% do not and should not be doing the same as you were at 28 weeks. (If you can that’s amazing, but totally normal if you feel like your workouts need to change a lot!) Your body is doing something truly remarkable - don’t forget it! Be kind to yourself, any exercise you do is amazing!

4. Less Is More as Your Due Date Approaches

As you approach your due date, prioritise shorter bursts of movement over prolonged, intense workouts. You're conserving energy for the grand finale – childbirth! Nobody knows when this event will take place, so keep your focus on being ready for the big day!

I hope this helps, if you need support during the final stretch of pregnancy please know the She Moves team are here and would love to help you! We offer a range of different pregnancy classes and are able to work 1-1 with you to help you come up with a plan that’s suitable for your individual circumstances!


Helpful links:


Understanding Hypertonic Pelvic Floor: A Key to Preventing Birth Trauma


Prolapse - Let’s talk about it!