Nic’s top tips to fitting exercise in as a busy Mum!

Hey Girls it’s Nic!

In this blog, Ren & Jen have asked me to share with you three tips on how I fit exercise into my life as a busy mum and make it happen almost every day!

Being a working from home and stay at home mum is the busiest I have ever been in my life! Having two very VERY energetic preschool boys that want to be picked up, ride bikes with, building huts in the bush and pushing dump trucks around for hours I need to be fit and strong, both physically and mentally! 

I hope these tips help you, we all have the same 24 hours in the day… how we choose to use them is up to us!

  1. Plan it out:

Every Sunday I sit down and plan out my week - I love to be organised! I plan the family meals, the workout classes I’m taking, clients I have for the week, appointments etc. and of course at the top of each day are my workouts for the week! I plan exactly what sessions I’m doing and EXACTLY when I am doing them. I get very specific because otherwise it just doesn’t happen.

The top of the list equals what’s most important to me and what I want to achieve that day the most. Movement to me is for both my mental and physical health so it is the highest priority.

I treat my exercise sessions as important appointments with myself, I know a lot of mums feel guilt for taking time out for themselves but I really don’t think we should. When we take time for ourselves and our health, we feel better and everyone benefits. Being a mum is so full on we deserve 30 minutes to focus on ourselves and our bodies.

2. Lower expectations:

Pre children I had all the time I wanted to work out, I would go for 3-hour mountain bikes, surf, run, and the gym. Now I have accepted that the current stage of life I am in isn’t possible, however, moving my body for 20-30 minutes a day is! Whether that’s pressing play on a She Moves workout, taking one of my classes or taking the dog for a walk, that’s enough to fill my cup in this current season. 

I also have dropped my expectation of what makes a ‘good workout’ pre-children, I would have gotten annoyed if I had to stop halfway. Now it’s just reality and if I was waiting for ‘alone time’ to exercise it probably wouldn’t happen. I just embrace it with the kids, sometimes they get involved and I think that’s pretty special too.

3. Accept that exercise will look different at different stages:

Over the years I have made exercise a habit in my life. It is something I have done as it makes me feel good from the inside out.

Throughout the different stages of my life exercise has looked different, for example, pre-kids, pregnancy, postpartum, one child, then two children, sleep deprivation, sick kids the list could go on and on!

I have adapted and flowed with the seasons but exercise has been constant that I have done the whole time even if it has looked a little different. I think embracing the seasons is something we all need to do a little more!

A final note from me to you!

I hope these tips have helped you out! I know it’s not rocket science but sometimes we just need those little reminders!

I would love to see you online for a workout with me soon, each week I am currently taking She Tones - Low Impact and She Strengthens Core & Mobility inside the She Moves Community. If you are not a member yet check out the details here and join for just $13 per month.

I’m also taking regular 1-1 clients and love working with women to help them achieve their fitness and lifestyle goals whatever they might be. You can check out all the She Moves 1:1 packages here.

Keep moving forward, taking each season and each day one at a time.

You got this!

Nic x

Helpful Links:


Safe Pregnancy Exercise


Benefits of strength training for women